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Sunday, 9 January 2011

My Top 5 Health Tips for 2011.

Well its almost a week into the new year and I'm hoping that everyone has stuck with the challenges and goals they set themselves on New Years Day.
It is almost laughable to see the same routine of diet magazines, celebrity fitness dvd's and weightloss adverts that circulate every single year. The diet industry makes an absolute fortune out of us, and people are lead to believe that the next best thing is definitely going to work for them.

There is and never will be a miracle diet, dvd, or cure to health and weightloss.
So stop wasting your hard earned money on diet fads and lies that consistently line these huge corporations pockets.

My Top Tips For Optimum Health in 2011
1. Aim to do some form of vigorous exercise 3-4 times per week for 40-60 mins. 
This would include a minimum of 20 mins cardio resistance training, abs and lower back.
NB: If you are elderly, or compromised by health issues or recent illness, you can still improve your sense of wellbeing immensely. Aim to take a walk 6-7 times per week, maybe start with a 15 minute steady pace and build up to half an hour.

2.  Clean Healthy Eating Monday-Friday
A healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner with plenty of vegetables, quality protein such as lean meat and fish and complex carbohydrates such as wholewheat pasta, brown rice and wholemeal bread. Watch your portion sizes, and don't rush your meals. Take time to eat and enjoy each bite, you will then begin to recognise when you are full . Don't be tempted to overload your plate or go back for seconds. Remember no snacking on biscuits, crisps and sweets. I would consider going through the cupboard and getting rid of any foods that you know will sabotage your healthy eating plan. It hurts to do at first, but if there is no temptation there you will not want it.
3.  Get plenty of sleep
A few early nights here and there, do you the world of good and help your body to repair and regenerate new cells. We should all be getting between 7-9 hours sleep a night, and research has shown that increased risk of disease starts to come in to play when we get less than 6-7 hours sleep over a pro-longed period of time.

4. Make Sure You are Drinking Enough Water 
This applies especially if you are trying to lose weight, watching your food intake is fine, but the water you consume is also imperative to your weight-loss as the liver needs to convert fat to energy and cannot do so effectively if water consumption is minimal.

5. Give Yourself Some Slack over the Weekend
It is not mentally healthy or realistically sustainable over the long term to deprive yourself of the things that you enjoy. Its perfectly fine to enjoy the things you have stayed away from for the week.
If it is wine have a glass or two, just don't drink the whole bottle. If food is your passion, make your favourite meal just remember that this is a treat and something to look forward to at the weekend. When these indulgences are carried over to your normal five day week, they become a habit and you will not get to your goals if you cannot discipline yourself. 

Hardly Rocket Science is it? 
But I also understand that for many, it really is easier said than done. All I have to say to that is this:  from my experience, the feeling of energy, wellbeing and vitality far outweigh the small sacrifices you need to make here and there in order to enjoy a healthier happier life.

A very Happy New Year to you all

To view FitFoxy's new blog please go to www.FitFoxy.biz

To view an updated version of this article please go to Health & Fitness Tips 


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