Fit & Foxy Personal Training & Nutritional Health
Hello and Welcome to my Blog.
I decided to use one of my sillier pictures to introduce myself to you, as I believe in starting as I mean to go on.
Are you still there?
Good, because I will be sharing all of my wonderful experiences as a Personal Trainer, peppered with the dry humoured wit of a plastic scouser living down south and hopefully even entertain you along the way, thanks for popping in...
Dear Friend,
I wanted to share with you, my experience of receiving personal training from Roland Chandler. In doing that, I am also sharing some of my personal circumstances – and while I feel shy about doing that, some of my circumstances are likely to be relevant to yours – and by giving you the whole picture – you will be more able to make what is likely to be a very important decision about your health and well being.
I am a 58-year-old woman with two grown up children and work full time in a demanding job as Head of Community Safety for Brighton & Hove City Council. I have never been remotely interested or competent in any sort of sport or exercise and unsurprisingly, had put on weight over the years – all leading to high blood pressure and significant symptoms of a deteriorating heart condition. In spite of being ‘scared’ (my parents both had strokes/heart disease) – I was not able to take positive action that made a difference, my quality of life had deteriorated significantly and I was really resigned to early retirement and an early death. It was that serious.
A friend referred me to Roland – and my life has changed completely. From the first conversation and meeting, he was sensitive to my anxiety – and practical about how to deal with that (meeting in the car park – so you do not walk into the Gym on your own for example!). He combined his extensive knowledge and experience in exercise and nutrition with his unique skill of being able to communicate and support me in learning and achieving what I understand to be a fairly rigorous exercise programme – rigorous enough to enable me to lose nearly a stone and a half so far and for most of the unhealthy and high risk symptoms to have disappeared. I could not believe that I could feel as healthy and positive as I now do – with ambitions and thoughts of a future as if I were 20 years younger!
Besides those skills that I have already described, the key to all of this has been Roland’s genuine commitment to getting me – and all of those he trains – well and fit – and happy. (We laugh a lot). I trust him – and that is the outcome of knowing that Roland genuinely has my wellbeing at heart, that he is an expert in his field – and that he is not going to give up on me. His structured and planned way of working and preparation of personal programmes and goals, which are tightly monitored are challenging and motivating – and linked in to raised awareness of eating patterns and diets.
My family and work colleagues cannot believe the change that I have under gone as a result of the personal training – and neither can I. I still have some way to go – but Roland keeps those goals right in front of me and is enabling me to achieve them – while having fun. That is absolutely brilliant.
With best wishes for your future
Yours sincerely
Linda Beanlands
My health has always been pretty good and I am an active person generally. I have some long-term minor muscular injuries that can cause me considerable pain when exercising. I have belonged to gyms on several occasions. I decided to use a Personal Trainer so that I could achieve maximum benefit from my time spent exercising. I know how to do the cardio exercise that I need so I wanted the expertise of someone who would provide the right programme for me and my injuries.
My goals are, and were, to be fit, well and strong and have a 24” waist. The last goal is entirely unachievable without cosmetic surgery.
I enjoy the sessions because I would not push myself to the same limits. I need bullying and am prone to trying to duck out of hard work.
I have only had 3 sessions so far and they are not frequent enough to show the maximum benefit but I feel good about what I am doing.
I am learning about my body and how my injuries can be supported through exercise. When I was training alone, I regularly injured myself from not exercising properly to support the weaknesses that I have.
I have been doing a little bit of boxing which I really enjoy. The sessions are very varied and hard work, which is what I need. My technique, posture and dodgy legs are monitored to ensure that I am safe. For up to 3 days after a session, I am incapable of movement. I see this as a good thing – no pain, no gain.
I would recommend Roland to friends as I feel he knows his stuff and is mean enough to ignore the pathetic whimperings of a lazy moo.
I have been training with Roland Chandler once a week for almost two year and have benfitted a great deal from his expertise and the professionalism and sense of humour he brings to the training sessions.
Having come late to the concept of physical exercise I was initially very cautious and unsure of my capabilities. I am now fitter than I have been for many years and see regular exercise as an essential part of my life.
The individual programs and exercises that Roland has devised for me are personally tailored to help conteract the negative effects of a stressful office based job which involves long hours and to take account of any particular area of weakness i may have (such as shoulders and core strength problems)
He is quick to respond when the programme becomes too easyor boring and I have discovered that his trick is to be so laid back about the challenging exercises in the programme that you don't realise they are os difficult and before you realise it you have achieved a higher level of fitness than you imagined possible and enjoyed yourself in the process.
Sarah Forster
27th June 2006
27th January 2008
Sherry Chandler was my personal trainer from January 07 to January 08. I must start by admitting that training with or without a personal trainer was not high on my list of things to do at the start of January 07 but co-erced by my husband who was asked by his brother, whom I think was the only one of us that actually wanted to do it, I started training! Did I enjoy it NO but deciding that I was stuck with it for a while anyway, I put my mind to achieving the following:
I didn’t necessarily want to lose weight, that would have been nice too, but I did need to improve my energy levels as being the mother of 4, left me always feeling tired.
I always wanted to tone up my body, even hoping one day to wear a bikini again, well we can all dream!
I also had a weak wrist that had given me considerable pain for a couple of years, not to mention my pelvic floor was not what it used to be!
I have to say that with Sherry’s help and persuasion, I do feel I achieved the above. I no longer feel as tired at the end of each day and even wake up with energy enough for the day ahead. My body is toned and I feel more confident in the way I look and feel in my clothes.
My wrist problem was an added bonus as the medical profession were ready to operate, so I was extremely pleased with the results of using light weights to rectify the problem. My pelvic floor is much improved, although jumping is still a challenge. The only thing is that
as yet, I have not achieved, is wearing a bikini!!
Sherry’s sessions were as varied as they could be and she did listen when I complained, But she always managed to get 10 more out of me………. I didn’t much like over use of the weight machines, so Sherry came up with other means of torture, I mean exercise that I even quite enjoyed.
Over all, I finish my year with Sherry feeling not just better in body but in mind. I am now fit enough to play a decent game of net ball, ski all day or participate in exercise with confidence and dare I say it pleasure!
Thank you Sherry
With Kind regards
Debbie Rayner
Dear Sherry,
It’s time having worked with you for about eighteen months, to say how much I have enjoyed the experience and to add that, without you, I simply would not have continued the quest for a healthy life through exercise! It is a pleasure to say thank you.
As you know, exercise is plain hard work but your cheerful chattiness has brought a lot of fun to the hour we spend together that, by the end, there is a sense of having done something worthwhile.
It is that, of course, that brings me along week after week – however daunting the thought of it might be!
Behind that, though, is the thought that you give to my exercise programme. It is much appreciated. I have shown it to other Personal Trainers and none of them have been able to fault it. It has, as I think you know, given me a lot of shape and a little more muscle than I had a t the beginning – something I need, oddly, for singing and other musical work I do.
Another thing I like very much is this: it is great that you do for me things that I cannot do for myself. I mean not only the monitoring of my physical health and progress but best of all, the last ten minutes of stretching the bits that I cannot stretch and squashing the parts that I cannot squash.
It makes me feel ten feet taller!
Anyway, I hope to carry on for a long time yet and hope you will be around to help.
Best wishes,
I had gone to gyms in the past and after the initial enthusiasm had worn off, have carried on paying my monthly subscription. To make me feel better about not going a different approach to exercise was needed!
That’s when Sherry was recommended to me by a friend “the person not the drink”.
Sherry has been training me for a few months now, she designs exercise regimes for my own ability and she has also stabilized my weight.
She motivates you to get out of your comfort zone, something I don’t do when exercising on my own.
Sherry has also encouraged me to enter organized runs, I am competing in a 10km run in November, something I could not have imagined doing 6 months ago.
Sherry is passionate about what she does which can be seen through the commitment and care that she gives her clients.
When it’s cold and dark and the last thing you want to do is go to the gym, it all seems worth it when Sherry greets you with her big smile and some scousey comment!
Hattie Lockhart-Smith
Starting age: 62
I first came to know about Sherry Chandler through our BNI Breakfast Club and encouraged by my wife I decided to give Personal Training a go.
I was over 14 stone when I went to her for my assessment in August 2007 and my goal, if I survived the torture twice a week, was to get down to under 12 stone and generally improve my fitness in conjunction with her nutritional advice.
Well I survived the torture and lost the first stone very quickly and the difference in my appearance is very noticeable but trying to lose the next stone is proving harder but I am sure under Sherry’s excellent guidance I will achieve it eventually.
I enjoy the 2 weekly sessions a lot because they are well varied and Sherry motivates you all the time and on many occasions leaves you amazed at what you have achieved. With her help and encouragement I can now run up to 5km at a time which a year ago would have been virtually impossible.
She gets satisfaction from seeing you achieve your goals and improve your wellbeing and with her bubbly personality the torture becomes pleasure and is excellent value for money and I would highly recommend her.
Guy Paterson Age now 26
I was given a voucher to work with Sherry for 10 sessions last Christmas. I had been extremely fit, training up to 6 times a week for many years. Due to a move from London, a sedentary job with long hours and no requirement to walk further than my desk, injuries and generally “letting go” I had slowly become unfit and put on a good two stone over the past 5 years. Even worse, I really wasn’t sure I could muster up the commitment to training again, believing I knew just how much hard work it would be for me to build my fitness levels, lose weight and more importantly to keep it off!
I now recognise too that my confidence and energy levels were very low, both on a personal and a business level. Getting things organised and done and committing to social arrangements felt like a far bigger challenge than they should have done for somebody who was previously known as a “doer” and typically loves nothing more than a party! Finally, after 6 weeks of avoiding hints and prodding from my husband who, incidentally, had already achieved monumental results with Roland, I finally committed to my first session.
I instantly warmed to Sherry who takes her business very seriously, and herself less so, and quickly understood that she was going to make a difference to my life. We work on a suitable programme, realistic timeframe and nutritional requirement for my age and lifestyle now - not one for a 20 – 30 something, “been there got the t-shirt” health club junky! This now means working around dodgy knees and Achilles and I suspect a terrible and increasing fear of failure. Unlike the relentless aerobic exercise of my past, I am working far more with weights, to build bone density and burn body fat, balanced with an appropriate level of aerobic work to make lasting and sustainable changes.
With only two sessions a week over 7 months I am so much fitter, about a stone lighter, have reduced my body fat, visceral fat and BMI and am rapidly gaining in confidence and energy. I had become self-conscious, wore long, baggy t-shirts and had poor body tone and a tendency to high facial colour. Working with Sherry even helped me to choose, after more than 25 years, to finally stop smoking and recently I find myself reducing my intake of wine as I become more in tune with my body and what it needs.
Not only am I now wearing a dress size or two smaller in clothes, my skin and eyes look fresher and brighter. Additional benefits are that I worry less, sleep well and my self-esteem and capacity for organisation and work has increased. I have received at least 20 compliments from associates, friends and family on how much better I look which has helped drive my motivation to do more exercise between sessions to help me lose another stone to achieve my goal weight.
I expected to finish the ten sessions and revert to self – directed training but now know that I need Sherry’s expertise to adapt the programme as my fitness levels change. The pre set training sessions keep me committed and Sherry encourages me at the right level for my age and fitness level whilst pushing me far harder than I ever could myself meaning I am really maximising my investment in my future health and wellbeing. I will continue to work with Sherry because I enjoy the sessions, she’s not bad for a Scouser and importantly I finally understand that I might just be worth it.
Are you?
Claire Davidge – 47 year-old reborn fitness addict of Hove.
November 2009
I have been training with Sherry Chandler for about 18 months now. Before that I spent a few months training with her partner Roland.
Both are excellent trainers but the move to Sherry came about as it was felt I needed one to one attention ñ basically Iím lazy and if left alone will just stop until someone notices!
Sherry works me really hard but keeps the programme varied so I never quite know what to expect. I dislike some of the exercises but thatís why I use a personal trainer ñ to make me do the things I wouldnít bother with if I was doing it on my own!
If you are willing to work hard and do as youíre told then this is a great approach ñ if you want to use the gym as a social scene and have a chat with friends donít bother ñ youíd be wasting your money!
In terms of the process and system there is an initial assessment which sets your baseline and a discussion around what goals you have ñ is it weight loss, building muscle or whatever and a plan is then put in place to help you achieve these goals. Regular monitoring takes place to assess how you are progressing (or not!!) and feedback is given. Sherry does this very well and on top of that is always ready to give helpful advice if particular questions arise, for instance around nutrition or injury. If you do the exercises the way Sherry says not only will you improve injured/weak muscles but you wonít get any new injuries!
When I started my health and fitness werenít too bad (for my age anyway as she keeps telling me!). I am definitely healthy and fitter now, my posture is better, an old shoulder injury is much improved (though that included visits to the osteopath as well) and friends and work colleagues do say I look really well. I have slid back recently on some of the targets but I have had a lot of changes going on. Even so I have kept up with the trips to the gym and they have helped me get through. Now I need to refocus on getting back to where I was before and taking things further!
Sherry is the one that will help me do that.
Jan 2010
Julie Ann Harris
Herbalife Testimonial
Main goal to feel fit and well and look leaner.
I started using Herbalife because I had been very run down after 6 weeks with flu.
My energy levels were low and I could not seem to pick myself up.
I have since 11 years old been aware of my weight. As an adult, it has always been about moving ½ stone.
I exercise twice a week in the gym. I have exercised since my early 20’s.
Sherry introduced me to Herbalife as a healthy option in my diet, to help my energy levels and to maintain the weight I was rather than lose more. One shake for breakfast and a choc bar, lunch and dinner as normal.
I was not sure about taking a shake for breakfast instead of fruit toast and peanut butter and coffee! However, after a week I changed my mind. I already felt I had more energy for the gym.
After a month I felt great, my weight had stayed level and I could work harder in the gym.
I have not really changed anything after a year I am still taking Herbalife and love it.
My weight is good and I have lost body fat so look leaner, also my trainer keeps me motivated.
Herbalife has become part of my everyday intake. At the weekends, I would normally have a cooked breakfast as a treat if I felt like it. My weight stays the same, which I like.
My energy is good and I generally feel great!
My friends like my new body change, aside from friends saying I look good! is I now feel confident from within.
I want to stay fit, healthy, and slim.